Trial of HVO Fuel at Riverside Newland Selby

Project – Riverside Newland, Selby

Client – Bam Nuttall & Environmental Agency


Vac-Ex were contacted by Bam Nuttall to conduct a vacuum excavation project down the side of a concrete retaining flood defence wall in Selby, in order to expose existing services prior to the demolition of the wall.

As a company we took this opportunity to trial the HVO fuel on this site. There were many factors to consider when implementing the new fuel system including;

  • Ease of supply of fuel
  • Storage of the fuel on site
  • Compatibility within the engine of the 32 tonne “Mega Arm” Vac-Ex
  • Power of the 32 tonne “Mega Arm” Vac-Ex compared to HVO to Diesel
  • Fuel consumption of HVO fuel compared to Diesel
  • Carry out a conclusion to check on the CO2 greenhouse gas produced with HVO compared to Diesel

Job Description

HVO Trial

The programme for carrying out the works was 10 days however the project was concluded in 7 days.

Supply of Fuels

The HVO fuel was supplied by Crown Oils with no problems found. We used a 5,000 Litres bunded bowser supplied by Crown Oils with an additional cost to the site for delivery and collection.

Compatability of HVO fuel with the Mercedes 32 tonne “Mega Arm” Vac-Ex

We placed our senior CPCS plant operator on this contract to give his opinion of the HVO fuel when compared to diesel and no problems were identified when using HVO fuel compared to diesel.

Mercedes have no problem using HVO fuel in their engines and do not foresee any issues arising from using the fuel with the Mercedes 32 tonne “Mega Arm” Vac-Ex or any of their engines.

Key Issues

Unknown services along the existing flood defence wall and demolished section. Trial of HVO fuel powering a 32 tonne “Mega Arm” Vac-Ex Mercedes vehicle.


Use of 32 tonne “Mega Arm” Vac-Ex trialling HVO fuel to uncover uncharted, privately installed services.


Power of the 32 tonne “Mega Arm” Vac-Ex comparing HVO to Diesel

Our plant operator found no problems or loss of power and suction when using HVO fuel and there were no reported mechanical issues with the 32 tonne “Mega Arm” Vac-Ex powered with HVO fuel throughout excavation works.

CO2 Fuel Comparison

2,000 litres of HVO Fuel resulted in only 0.390 tonne CO2 greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere compared to 2,000 litres of Diesel Fuel which generates 7.2 tonne CO2 greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere

A 260 metre stretch of excavation was successfully achieved, uncovering unknown services with ZERO strikes. There were no reported incidents in respect of service strikes.

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