Can I do vacuum excavation or suction excavation myself?

Posted on 31 October 2024
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

If you are interested in carrying out vacuum excavation (also called suction excavation) then there’s a good chance that you already know what it is and what the benefits are. What is perhaps less understood is who is best placed to operate this kind of machinery, you – or specialist vacuum excavators or suction excavators so that a project is completed safely and efficiently.

As a premier supplier of Vac Ex Services to customers throughout the UK, we are often asked, ‘Can I do vacuum excavation or suction excavation myself?’. Whilst the simple answer to this question may technically be yes, there are an overwhelming number of reasons why you shouldn’t perform it yourself. As the old adage goes, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Dive into the reasons why you shouldn’t, and it’s clear to see why sectors of all niches are increasingly opting for operated hire as opposed to self-hire of vacuum excavation machinery.

Ask yourself these questions when considering hiring vacuum excavation or suction excavation machinery:

Are you accredited to provide precise, strike-free excavation?

At a minimum, you need a CPCS A78 (A-H) Trained Operative Red Card to operate a vacuum excavator in the UK. However, holding the basic entry requirements to operate such machinery is vastly different from being accredited at the highest level in the industry and having extensive experience of carrying out complex excavation works strike free. This difference can prove significant when it comes to achieving outcomes that are free from strikes, on time, and on budget. Errors can be immensely costly both in terms of time and resources; is it really worth the risk?

John Mee Vac-Ex Hire operators are among the elite and best accredited operators in the industry, specialising in some of the most challenging construction sectors. With a proven track record of over 1 million hours of strike free excavation work, put your trust in the experts to get the job done safely and efficiently.

What would you do in the presence of unknown or unclear services?

Do you really have the capabilities to identify and manage underground utilities on the fly that are not accurately marked on the project plans? Your next decision could cause damage, costly delays, and even worse, danger to life. Did you know the average cost of a utility strike is £30,000 but has been known to run into the millions?*. A highly skilled and experienced operator is essential to quickly react to projects with flexibility and agility and significantly reduce this risk.

This is where John Mee Vac-Ex Hire operators excel; they have the ability to make quick decisions and solve problems on-site, assessing the situation, adjusting equipment settings, and executing precise tasks, even when faced with unexpected challenges. This reduces the risk to all involved and the equipment being used.

How would a service strike affect you?

A service strike can have significant repercussions for a project, resulting in:

  • Danger to life
  • Cost implications
  • Time delays
  • Extra resources
  • Reputation damage

There’s no need to take this risk; John Mee Vac-Ex Hire has the most experienced and highly trained operators responsible for over 1 million hours of strike free excavation work.


Do you know which machine is most suitable for the job?

Choosing the right equipment for the task at hand is a crucial part of achieving a successful strike free outcome on time and budget. Not all vacuum excavation/suction excavation machines are suited for every job, and having a deep understanding of the specific features each offers will assist with this. If you know you need a vacuum excavation machine but are unsure which one, it’s probably a good indication to be supported by the experts.

Our sales and service team have decades of experience in vacuum excavation, being the original operators in the UK. We work closely with you to book in the right machine, the right equipment, and the right operator for your job.

Do you really have the right access permits to carry out this work?

Depending on where the excavation is taking place, you might need a specialist access permit to be on site. Obtaining this isn’t always easy or quick and can take up vital resources that you’ve not yet factored into the project.

John Mee Vac-Ex Hire have a proven track record of working in Nuclear, Airports, Sub-Stations, Power Stations, Petrochemical, MOD and other specialist areas with permitted and highly experienced operators. We’ve already put in the hard yards so that you don’t have to!


Can you confidently scope and plan your excavation project correctly?

Comprehensive and strategic planning will determine the success of the rest of the excavation project. Outlining the specific requirements will help you scope and plan the job correctly, ensuring it aligns with your goals and expectations. This requires an in-depth knowledge of the industry, the project at hand, and the complexities that may come with it.

John Mee Vac-Ex Hire gets the project specified correctly, first time. This allows for the right machine, the right equipment, and the right operator for your job. Our process begins with a comprehensive assessment of your project. We sit down with you to discuss the specifics of the job, considering factors such as project scope, timeline, location, and any unique challenges that may arise or already have arisen. This information forms the foundation upon which we build our support strategy.


Have you weighed up the costs?

On the face of it, you may think self hire will be the most cost effective solution, but have you factored in the additional costs of planning, additional training, and access permits? That’s also not even considering the significant cost of a strike should one occur or any unforeseen challenges or delays in timescales. With all that in mind, it becomes clearer why so many contractors choose operated hire for an affordable and dependable excavation solution.

Each quote John Mee Vac-Ex Hire provides includes a comprehensive breakdown of costs associated with hiring our vacuum excavator. This includes a transparent overview of the operated day rate as well as the required ancillaries that apply to your specific project. We believe in full transparency to ensure you have a clear understanding of what you’re getting.


If you’ve made it this far, we hope you’ve got a clearer idea of if you require operated hire from a specialist company like John Mee Vac-Ex Hire or if you’d still prefer to go down the less advisable route of self hire (if it’s the latter; don’t worry, we can still be friends).

Vacuum Excavation and Suction Excavation Operated Hire

With 24/7 national hire available, John Mee Vac-Ex Hire pairs the most elite and best accredited excavator operators with the best vacuum excavators so that our clients know they are in trusted hands. Responsible for over 1 million hours of strike free excavation work, our operators take the risk away from even the most challenging construction sectors, including airports, nuclear power, oil & gas, and more.

Speak to an expert today about your next excavation project.
01302 636 532

* A report by the University of Birmingham – School of Engineering 2016. Authors: Dr Lewis Macana

Editor at Vac-Ex

We have been in the business for more than 30 years and service customers across Lincolnshire and beyond.